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Pet Laser Therapy in Roanoke Reduces Pain and Quickens Healing

Of course, you don’t want your pet to be in pain. It not only affects them, but it affects your relationship with them, too. A pet in pain is not themselves. Pain is always unpleasant and it also causes stress. This results in slower healing, meaning your pet is out of sorts for much longer than they should be. That’s why we offer pet laser therapy for pets of the Roanoke Valley. Laser therapy speeds up healing while reducing pain and inflammation with its light technology.

Interested in laser therapy for your pet? Give us a call at (540) 562-4596 or make an appointment online.

How Laser Therapy Works

Laser therapy utilizes concentrated light energy and sends those light particles deep into the tissue to energize damaged cells. Those energized cells then get to work to heal damaged tissue faster. The more active cells also mean reduced inflammation and pain.

The Most Common Uses for Laser Therapy

Pet laser therapy is versatile and can be used for a range of conditions. The most common conditions treated with laser therapy include:

  • Post-surgical healing
  • Chronic injuries
  • Wounds
  • Lick granulomas
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Arthritis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • And more

Pet laser therapy is very effective and useful for pets who are compromised and cannot take traditional pain medications. For example, older pets can have a hard time tolerating long-term pain medication for arthritis. Laser therapy, performed on a regular basis, helps to alleviate their discomfort.

Session Lengths and Frequencies

The length of a session can last from about 5 to 30 minutes and many pets tolerate it very well. The light feels very soothing to pets in pain, and often they relax and even fall asleep! As for session frequencies, it depends on your pet’s condition. A post-surgical session need only happen once and your pet will be on their way to a faster recovery. Meanwhile, pets with chronic conditions, such as arthritis, may need to be seen more frequently, often once or twice a week. Please contact us so we can discuss your pet’s condition and their options for laser therapy!