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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Bearded dragons are susceptible to several health problems; understanding them will help you prevent them from occurring in your pet and know when to seek veterinary attention. Problems described in this handout include salmonellosis, avascular necrosis, tail rot, abscesses, and dystocia (egg binging).

  • The bearded dragon is a popular small- to medium-sized pet lizard. Bearded dragons are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal-based foods, including insects. They should consume a diet that is 50% insects and 50% green leafy vegetables. This handout is a general guide for feeding pet bearded dragons a nutritious and balanced diet.

  • The Beauceron is alert, courageous, and loyal, making him an ideal family guardian. He's also eager to please and extremely intelligent, gifted at any task involving learning, memory, and reasoning.

  • Anyone can see why the Bedlington Terrier is called the "little lamb dog." That gentle manner, that lamb-soft coat, those tasseled ears... adorably affectionate and sweet, the Bedlington is the perfect combination of a loving and devoted family pet and a fiery, brave-hearted terrier that can run like the wind on the hunt or defend himself with lion-like courage if provoked.

  • There is a wide range of non-pharmaceutical products designed to improve a pet's behavior. There is little oversight for many of these products which means that any given product may not work for your pet. Ask your veterinarian before using any over-the-counter product for your pet. The label “natural” does not guarantee a product is safe to use in dogs and cats.

  • Several products are available to help with behavior management in cats. Various products promote play and exercise, provide cognitive stimulation, allow safe outdoor exploration, and assist with anxiety or undesirable behavior (as part of your veterinarian's treatment program for these problems).

  • There are numerous products on the market that have been designed to help prevent undesirable behavior in dogs. Leashes, harnesses, and head halters are needed to keep pets under control, especially when outdoors.

  • The Belgian Malinois is an intense, sensitive individual who is willing to dedicate himself not only to his jobs, but also to his human.

  • The Belgian Sheepdog is the long-coated, black version of what some people consider one breed, the Belgian Shepherd (or Continental Shepherd). Like all the members of this family, the Belgian Sheepdog is an active and intense companion, as well-suited for police work as for herding chores.

  • Intelligent and energetic, Belgian Tervurens are happiest with a job to do. They are loyal and form strong bonds, so they must be part of the family, not isolated or left outdoors.