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Cat and Dog Vaccinations in Roanoke, VA Offer Protection from Dangerous Diseases

You may be wondering if cat and dog vaccinations are really essential for your pet. The fact is, they are! Yes, even indoor cats and dogs who only go out in the backyard! Vaccinations play a greater role in the pet community. All it takes is one unvaccinated pet for the whole community of the Roanoke Valley to be potentially at risk. Cat and dog vaccinations are an important step in your pet’s lifelong wellness, and we offer all the safest and latest vaccines at Hanging Rock Animal Hospital.

Start by calling us at (540) 5624596 or make an appointment online.

Core and Noncore Cat and Dog Vaccines to Suit Your Pet’s Lifestyle

Core vaccines are those that are highly recommended for every pet, while noncore vaccines are only necessary when your pet’s lifestyle requires it. At Hanging Rock Animal Hospital, we work with you to develop a vaccine plan that suits your pet’s needs so they receive just the cat or dog vaccinations they need. We’ll also focus on other preventive health measures that require regular testing and attention.


  • Rabies
  • DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella (noncore vaccine for dogs who frequently come in contact with other dogs)
  • Lyme (noncore vaccine for outdoor dogs prone to tick bites)
  • Microscopic fecal exam
  • Heartworm test
  • Tick disease screening
  • Comprehensive exam for all
  • Monthly parasite prevention


  • Rabies
  • FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia)
  • Feline Leukemia (noncore vaccine for outdoor cats but recommended for all kittens)
  • Microscopic fecal exam
  • FIV and FeLV test
  • Heartworm test
  • Comprehensive exam
  • Monthly parasite prevention

Starting Off on the Right Paw by Building Immunity

Puppies and kittens are the most vulnerable to disease as their immune systems are not quite mature enough to fight off any serious infection. To build their immunity and set them up for a lifetime of protection, they’ll receive a series of core cat and dog vaccines during their first few months. Additionally, we’ll check for worms through a fecal exam, and will talk to you about their parasite prevention plan.


  • DHPP at 6-8 weeks old, then a booster every 3-4 weeks until they’re 16 weeks of age
  • Leptospirosis is to the last two vaccines of the DHPP series, at 12 weeks of age or older.
  • Rabies vaccine at 12-16 weeks
  • Bordetella as early as 8-9 weeks
  • Microscopic fecal exam (to check for intestinal parasites which can be contagious to pets and people)
  • Starting them on a monthly parasite prevention


  • FVRCP at 6-9 weeks old, then a booster every 3-4 weeks until they’re 16 weeks of age
  • Rabies vaccine at 12-16 weeks
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV), only for at-risk cats, at 9-12 weeks and a booster in 3-4 weeks
  • Feline Leukemia and FIV test to ensure your kitten is clear of these deadly diseases
  • Microscopic fecal test (to check for intestinal parasites which can be contagious to pets and people)
  • Starting them on a monthly parasite prevention

All of the above services are covered in our puppy and kitten preventive care plans! Please call us at (540) 5624596 for more information.

Staying Strong for Many Years with Cat and Dog Vaccinations

In order for the antibodies stimulated by vaccines to remain effective, your pet will receive routine boosters. We administer many of the vaccines on an annual basis but some are effective for up to 3 years.  To learn more about cat and dog vaccinations or to schedule your pet’s appointment, call us at (540) 5624596 or make an appointment online.